Welcome to SCC...
Welcome to SCC...
We are a vibrant, growing church in the Little River and North Myrtle Beach area.
We desire to serve our community by
fostering spiritual growth and connection.
Right now, we are establishing home based
groups for Bible study and fellowship.
Together we...
Share meals
Provide for each other
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The Bible is a trustworthy guide for navigating life. It serves as a source of wisdom, comfort, and is valuable for spiritual growth.
Prayer is a vital aspect of our faith, providing us with a means to cultivate a deep, personal relationship with God through conversation, gratitude, and supplication.
Fellowship creates a supportive community where we can share our faith journey, provide encouragement, and accountability. It fosters a sense of belonging and promotes love, empathy, and the collective pursuit of a Christ-centered life.
Love is what binds us all together in unity. Jesus' greatest commandment was to love one another and we believe it is the best way to glorify God.
Jesus said that whatever you do to the least of these, you have done onto me.
The way we care for our community is vitally important to how we live out our
faith and display the light of Jesus! We are always looking for ways to meet needs
and serve those around us!
The Bible calls us to seek unity and to live at peace with one another. To do this, it is
important to display grace, patience, and empathy.
Galatians tells us to keep in step with the Spirit and follow His leading. We value
being obedient to the Spirit's guidance in life and our interactions with others.
The Spirit is with us always as our comforter, guide, and advocate.